Over one hundred readers entered the Spring Giveaway drawing announced in the April/May issue of Story Lines. Many received a double-entry by messaging me with the title of their favorite poem about spring--from Emily Dickinson to A.A. Milne, from Robert Frost to Shel Silverstein. Take a moment to enjoy the season in verse.
"Daffodils" by William Wordsworth
Write here…
This One by Shel Silverstein Made Me Laugh!
"In just spring," the favorite poem of giveaway winner, Carol Parry. . .
e. e. cummings
And all of the Other Favorites . . .
"The First Green of Spring" - David Budbill
The Year's at the Spring" – Robet Browning
"When Lilacs Last in the Doorway Bloom'd" – Walt Whitman
"Daffondowndilly" – A. A. Milne
"There's Always a Springtime" – Helen Steiner Rice
"Spring" – Edna St Vincent Millay
"Spring, Spring is Coming Soon" - Unknown
"Spring Pools" - Robert Frost
"Flower God, God of the Spring" - Robert Louis Stevenson
"I Wish I Were a Glow Worm" - Colin West
"Daisy Time" - Margaret Pickthall
"Spring" - Gerard Manley Hopkins
"The Trees" - Phillip Larkin
"Spring" – Edna St Vincent Millay
"Spring Pools" - Robert Frost
"A Breath of Spring" - John McLeod
"Flower God, God of the Spring" - Robert Louis Stevenson
"I Wish I Were a Glow Worm" - Colin West
"Daisy Time" - Margaret Pickthall
"The Owl and the Pussycat" - Edward Lear
"Spring" - Gerard Manley Hopkins
"The Trees" - Phillip Larkin
"And the Spring Arose on the Garden Fair" from The Sensitive Plant - Percy Bysshe Shelley
"Spring Rain" - Sara Teasdale
"Headache" - Shel Silverstein
"Spring" - William Blake
"April Showers" - Karen Chappell
"Lines Written in Early Spring" - William Wordsworth
"To Spring" ("Au Printemps") - William Blake
"The Fog" - Carl Sandburg
Thanks to all of you who submitted a poem.
P.S. - And if I missed your poem or you'd like to add one, just let me know.